i am inspired!
i have been pouring over jewelry books
designing a logo
totally racing against time
"Gray Matters" for brain cancer research
my legacy
my reputation
my contribution
all in an elegant store
that i helped create
where i have given of myself
for nearly 20 years
where people will and DO,
(much to my amazement)
i inspire them!
what an amazing concept
i feel strong
even tho i am losing my hair
in clumps
and weaker every day
i need a cane.
i fell again
on my face this time.
its the steroids they tell me
i am being weaned off them
why does it reduce the swelling in my brain
but not the moon on my face
or the width of my ankles
can you say swollen?
some days are good
some are bad
i cry every. single. day.
many times in fact
what a cruel
death sentence
failure is NOT an option
dear daughter must get thru high school
as things evolve
they shift and change along the way
i am enjoying this time so much
with my husband
what a team we are
people have always envied us
what we share
i will take whatever life gives me
to spend eternity with him
we are going to keep my ashes in a box
and combine them
scatter them together
in our favorite spot